
The Secret Hack to Understanding Women | Alex Clark | The Glenn Beck Podcast | Ep 247

“MAHA will transcend MAGA,” says Alex Clark, wellness influencer and host of “Culture Apothecary with Alex Clark.” After Big Pharma “zombified” an entire generation and put Americans on a “never-ending treadmill of pharmaceutical interventions,” Americans are waking up to the fact that “hundreds of millions of people are dying from chronic disease,” “fertility rates are dropping 1% to 2% every year,” and “we have medicalized the human experience” with SSRIs and antidepressants. Alex says we are “edging towards a society” where it will be “nearly impossible” to marry someone without autism and explains why Michelle Obama’s “Let’s Move: America” campaign was a failure. “Millennials are guinea pigs in an experiment we never consented to,” Alex says, exposing how Big Food and Big Pharma have wreaked havoc on the rising generations and why she is excited about RFK Jr. leading the HHS. She shocks Glenn by telling him that hormonal birth control affects who women choose to date, why the keto diet can be “lifesaving” for brain cancer patients, and what the heck a “seed oil” is and why everyone is talking about it. In the end, they agree that “food that can’t expire isn’t food,” and maybe it’s not necessary to give our dogs Prozac.

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