
EMERGENCY PODCAST: Save ‘Baby Sparrow’ from the Taliban | The Glenn Beck Podcast | Ep 246

A 5-year-old sits at the heart of an international controversy involving Al-Qaeda, the Taliban, the U.S. State Department, and even Hunter Biden’s law firm. In what Glenn describes as maybe his “most important” episode of “The Glenn Beck Podcast” yet, Stephanie and Joshua Mast detail the unbelievable story of rescuing an injured infant from the war in Afghanistan and their uphill battle to bring her safely to America during the disastrous Afghanistan withdrawal under President Biden’s administration. Now, their 5-year-old daughter’s fate again hangs in the balance, and she is just days away from a Virginia court case that may change her life forever. The Mast family believes their daughter is the biological child of foreign fighters. If they’re correct, then her mere existence unravels the foundations of the peace agreement between the U.S. and Afghanistan, which stipulated that there were NO foreign fighters in Afghanistan. In a tangled web of motivations, Glenn is shocked by the possibility that the U.S. State Department may have placed a baby girl in the hands of people without any evidence of biological relations and with potential ties to the Taliban. The Masts make a public plea to the Trump administration to save their little girl from a custody battle with international implications but deeply personal ramifications for this little girl.

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